Our team intervenes within 48 hours, we recommend you submit a public ticket so that other developers can help to fix the issue as soon as possible.

If you purchased the item 6 months ago, please read the Item Support Policy carefully before submitting a ticket.

Note: don’t share item or server credentials on public, use the private option.

  Public Ticket #2007406
Build grale


  • brochet started the conversation

    Hello when i launch android studion i have this error

    ERROR: File google-services.json is missing. The Google Services Plugin cannot function without it.

    Best regards

  •  142
    Elyas replied

    Hello ,

    You missed to configure the firebase push notification api in your android project, please refer to the documentation guide to learn how to generate the missed file google-services.json .

    We will remain at your disposal for any other question or help regarding our service .

    Thank yousmile.png

    Best Regards DT team.

    NearbyStores iOS => Buy now from envato

    NearbyStores Android => Buy now from envato

    Follow us on Facebook Page => Here

  • brochet replied


    i have find solution before. Now i have this error

    error: cannot find symbol class FirebaseInstanceIdService

    Any idea ?

    best regards

  •  142
    Elyas replied

    Make sure this file is not removed from your folder during the configuration of your app , also it can bad configuration when editing package name , please refer to this URL (https://abhiandroid.com/androidstudio/how-to-change-package-name-android-studio.html ) to change your package name .

    Best Regards DT team.

    NearbyStores iOS => Buy now from envato

    NearbyStores Android => Buy now from envato

    Follow us on Facebook Page => Here

  • brochet replied

    Package name was good. finaly i have found. I have upgrade

    implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:12.0.1' and i do not do it....

    when i create user account email verification is sent (i receive it) but i have this error :

    Unable to load the requested language file: language/french/email_lang.php

  • brochet replied

    it's ok i have found

  • brochet replied

    into config.php i configure like this :

    $config['base_url'] = 'https://www.mywebsite.com';

    All links are goods  ex : <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://www.mywebsite.com/views/...........">

    But image logo (class="login-logo") and images recently added (class="product-img") are not https but http

    Any idea ?

  • brochet replied


    into config/config.php i change IMAGES_BASE_URL

    the application seems to work, apart from the map that must display the shops nearby that does not work (I see only my position). Otherwise the customer card is displayed correctly. An idea ?

  • [deleted] replied

    Make sure that you did this configuration :