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  Public Ticket #2367159
App dont start in phone emulator


  •  1
    fvolk1976 started the conversation

    Hi, I follow your tutorial step by step many times, every time a new fresh start from the zip file, I have allready upload all dashboard files and all is working fine. I create the proyect en firebase and change the package name. All sync and build proyect with no errors, but when I trie to excute the app in the phone emulator, the app crash. Any idea?

  •  1
    fvolk1976 replied

    I test it in my s7 phone and happend the same, the app tries to start and crash

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello sir , 

    please check this ticket : https://droidevtech.ticksy.com/ticket/2223487/

  •  1
    fvolk1976 replied

    Yes sir, and thanks a lot I read it and fix it, now the app is working. But I found a bug, I think it

    I send you 2 pictures, I have allready check if theres a problem with languaje but the languaje is ok

    and in dashboard ( php ) I can´t find the translate for a few words.

    Thanks a lot!!!


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi fernando ,

    you can find the words from  mobile app in the string.xml file :


    In the web dashboard , go to the sidebar menu Application > Language , copy the missed words in key and add the translated work in value .

    Thank you

  •  1
    fvolk1976 replied

    // In the web dashboard , go to the sidebar menu Application > Language , copy the missed words in key and add the translated work in value .// I allready do it, and nothing happend, I do it in english languaje and in spanish. In your demo works?

    Thank you

  • [deleted] replied

    Make sure to remove any space between these words , or you can do it manually by editing the language files in this folder [root_repository]/languages/

  •  1
    fvolk1976 replied

    Hi, I have a problem with your tutorial, I dont understand. Is a same part 2 times?

    In the pc virtual phone I saw the map, but in my phone I cant see it.


    Open cmdcd C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_111\binkeytool -list -v -keystore "C:\[YOUR_PATH]\MY_JKS.jks" -alias myaliasEnter your password

    and this

    1. First thing , go the Google developer console , in the menu choose APIs & Services > Credentials > Create Credentials > API Key
    2. Copy the key , then go into application restrictions , select Android Apps
    3. Click the link add package and fingerprint
    4. Before filling in the necessary information, ensure that java is already installed on your pc ( use this command to verify java :> java -version , if it's not installed go and download it from this URL )
    5. Locate your debug.keystore from this path C:\Users\[SessionName]\.android\debug.keystore
    6. Go in your CMD , open keytool folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_144\bin\keytool.exe then execute this command line : keytool -list -v -keystore "[Debug.Keystore path in the previous step]" -alais androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android , now copy the SHA1 value
    7. Return to your google console page and enter the package name of your application and the SHA1

  •  1
    fvolk1976 replied

    All works, thanks a lot! great app

  • [deleted] replied

    Perfect , thanks for the update