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  Public Ticket #2695839
Event create error - URGENT help need


  •  3
    konop111 started the conversation


    When im creating new event I get error like below, each time. I need urgent solution !

    <!DOCTYPE html>
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    <title>Database Error</title>
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    <div id="container">
    <h1>A Database Error Occurred</h1>
    <p>Error Number: 1054</p><p>Unknown column 'city' in 'field list'</p><p>INSERT INTO `event` (`user_id`, `store_id`, `images`, `name`, `description`, `address`, `date_b`, `date_e`, `lat`, `lng`, `status`, `city`, `country`, `country_code`, `date_created`, `created_at`) VALUES (10, 37, '{"0":"161367829564256"}', 'test', 'text test', 'Rybnik', '2021-02-18', '2021-03-09', 50.1021742, 18.5462847, 1, 'Rybnik', 'Poland', 'PL', '2021-02-18 19:59:27', '2021-02-18 19:59:27')</p><p>Filename: modules/event/models/Event_model.php</p><p>Line Number: 626</p> </div>

  •  3
    konop111 replied

    solved , I reinstalled database 

  •  142
    Elyas replied

    Hello ,

    Perfect , thanks for the update .

    Best Regards DT team.

    NearbyStores iOS => Buy now from envato

    NearbyStores Android => Buy now from envato

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  •  1
    nolimitek replied

    I have the same error but i have already stores in the database. So i could not reinstall the database

    Please help asap

  •  1
    nolimitek replied

    Hello i really need help

  •  142
    Elyas replied

    Please provide access to your database

    Best Regards DT team.

    NearbyStores iOS => Buy now from envato

    NearbyStores Android => Buy now from envato

    Follow us on Facebook Page => Here

  •  1
    nolimitek replied


    I made a new orivate ticket with my login details