Our team intervenes within 48 hours, we recommend you submit a public ticket so that other developers can help to fix the issue as soon as possible.
If you purchased the item 6 months ago, please read the Item Support Policy carefully before submitting a ticket.
Note: don’t share item or server credentials on public, use the private option.
Hello ,
Thank you for the ticket ,
Please follow the steps bellow :
CREATE TABLE `booking` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `user_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `store_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `cf_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `cf_data` text DEFAULT NULL, `cart` text DEFAULT NULL, `status` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `amount` double DEFAULT 0, `payment_status` varchar(150) DEFAULT '0' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
-- -- Index pour la table `booking` -- ALTER TABLE `booking` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`);
-- -- AUTO_INCREMENT pour la table `booking` -- ALTER TABLE `booking` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=135;
Best Regards DT team.
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Hi ilyass.
I have created that booking in sql by reading your article but still having this below issue
Please make sure that all privileges mysql user are guaranteed
i have checked my database previlleges and its all previlleges set still i got that error. please check.
Then i checked my main URL, so I found that your script work but no admin user created.
Can you please take anydesk control and check what's wrong....?
Make sure to enter these data into your database :
INSERT INTO `user` (`id_user`, `name`, `username`, `password`, `email`, `telephone`, `images`, `status`, `confirmed`, `dateLogin`, `typeAuth`, `manager`, `lat`, `lng`, `country`, `guest_id`, `grp_access_id`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `hidden`, `phone_verified`) VALUES
(1, 'Super Admin', 'admin', '2fb1ff7b8f58336a0e22cfca59a10e6e1ebaa978', 'admin@gmail.com', NULL, NULL, 1, 1, '2018-03-23 09:37:14', 'SuperAdmin', 1, 33.3836636, -7.528801, NULL, 2017, 1, '2019-06-27 14:48:58', NULL, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `user_subscribe_setting` (`id`, `user_id`, `nbr_campaigns_monthly`, `nbr_gallery_per_store`, `user_language`, `user_timezone`, `user_settings_package`, `nbr_offers_monthly`, `status`, `pack_id`, `trial_period_date`, `trial_period_used`, `nbr_stores`, `nbr_events_monthly`, `push_campaign_auto`, `reminded`, `will_expired`, `last_updated`, `updated_at`, `created_at`, `auto_renew`) VALUES
(1, 1, -1, 30, 'en', 'UTC', '{\"nbr_offers_monthly\":-1,\"nbr_stores\":-1,\"push_campaign_auto\":1,\"nbr_campaigns_monthly\":-1,\"nbr_events_monthly\":-1}', -1, 0, 0, NULL, 0, -1, -1, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2018-05-01', NULL, '2019-05-21 16:14:56', 0);
INSERT INTO `group_access` (`id`, `name`, `permissions`, `editable`, `updated_at`, `created_at`) VALUES
(1, 'SuperAdmin', '{\"setting\":{\"change_app_setting\":1,\"manage_currencies\":1},\"offer\":{\"add\":1,\"edit\":1,\"delete\":1,\"manage_offers\":1},\"pack\":{\"add\":1,\"edit\":1,\"delete\":1},\"user\":{\"add\":1,\"edit\":1,\"delete\":1,\"user_setting\":1,\"manage_group_access\":1,\"manage_users\":1,\"dashboard_accessibility\":1},\"gallery\":{\"manage_gallery\":1},\"category\":{\"add\":1,\"edit\":1,\"delete\":1},\"payment\":{\"config_payment\":1,\"display_transactions\":1,\"display_billing\":1,\"manage_taxes\":1},\"campaign\":{\"push_campaigns\":1,\"edit\":1,\"delete\":1,\"manage_campaigns\":1},\"messenger\":{\"send_and_receive\":1,\"manage_messages\":1},\"event\":{\"add\":1,\"edit\":1,\"delete\":1,\"manage_events\":1,\"manage_participants\":1},\"store\":{\"add\":1,\"edit\":1,\"delete\":1,\"manage_stores\":1},\"nsgp\":{\"grp_use_import\":0,\"grp_importer_setting\":0,\"grp_bulk_import\":0},\"modules_manager\":{\"manage_modules\":1},\"nstranslator\":{\"manage\":1},\"cf_manager\":{\"manage_custom_fields\":1},\"nsbanner\":{\"add\":1,\"edit\":1,\"delete\":1},\"booking\":{\"manage_booking\":1,\"manage_booking_config\":1},\"exim_tool\":{\"EXIM_TOOL_MANAGER\":1}}', 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(2, 'MobileUser', '{\"payment\":{\"config_payment\":0,\"display_transactions\":0,\"manage_taxes\":0},\"store\":{\"add\":0,\"edit\":0,\"delete\":0,\"validate_stores\":0},\"campaign\":{\"push_campaigns\":0,\"edit\":0,\"delete\":0},\"event\":{\"add\":0,\"edit\":0,\"delete\":0,\"validate_events\":0},\"category\":{\"add\":0,\"edit\":0,\"delete\":0},\"messenger\":{\"send_and_receive\":0,\"manage_messages\":0},\"user\":{\"add\":0,\"edit\":0,\"delete\":0,\"user_setting\":0,\"accessible_dashboard\":1,\"manage_group_access\":0,\"user_admin\":0},\"gallery\":{\"manage_gallery\":0},\"pack\":{\"add\":0,\"edit\":0,\"delete\":0},\"offer\":{\"add\":0,\"edit\":0,\"delete\":0,\"validate_offers\":0}}', 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(3, 'BusinessOwner', '{\"setting\":{\"change_app_setting\":0,\"manage_currencies\":0},\"offer\":{\"add\":1,\"edit\":1,\"delete\":1,\"manage_offers\":0},\"pack\":{\"add\":0,\"edit\":0,\"delete\":0},\"user\":{\"add\":0,\"edit\":0,\"delete\":0,\"user_setting\":0,\"manage_group_access\":0,\"manage_users\":0,\"dashboard_accessibility\":1},\"gallery\":{\"manage_gallery\":1},\"category\":{\"add\":0,\"edit\":0,\"delete\":0},\"payment\":{\"config_payment\":0,\"display_transactions\":0,\"display_billing\":0,\"manage_taxes\":0},\"campaign\":{\"push_campaigns\":1,\"edit\":1,\"delete\":0,\"manage_campaigns\":0},\"messenger\":{\"send_and_receive\":1,\"manage_messages\":1},\"event\":{\"add\":1,\"edit\":1,\"delete\":1,\"manage_events\":0,\"manage_participants\":1},\"store\":{\"add\":1,\"edit\":1,\"delete\":1,\"manage_stores\":0},\"nsgp\":{\"grp_use_import\":0,\"grp_importer_setting\":0,\"grp_bulk_import\":0},\"modules_manager\":{\"manage_modules\":0},\"nstranslator\":{\"manage\":0},\"cf_manager\":{\"manage_custom_fields\":0},\"nsbanner\":{\"add\":0,\"edit\":0,\"delete\":0},\"booking\":{\"manage_booking\":1,\"manage_booking_config\":0},\"exim_tool\":{\"EXIM_TOOL_MANAGER\":0}}', 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00');
Best Regards DT team.
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Hi Ilyass,
as you give last db query i inserted and work fine. now after that i tried to login as a admin - i got this message after login page-
This module "cms" is required to be enabled
please tell me whats this and how i can solve this because i dont found in support articles
Best Regards DT team.
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but after log in, It shows white screen with only one error message. Dashboard not coming , i can not click anywhere, check the attached file so you can understand.
Error on dashboard page - This module "cms" is required to be enabled
Please let me know
Please share your dashboard access ,
Best Regards DT team.
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Ok share with me your ftp and database access
thank you
Best Regards DT team.
NearbyStores iOS => Buy now from envato
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hi Ilyass , ok i got the issue and solve that login issue by my self. I did one thing in database , i went to database tables and found table name - module and then i found cms and then i did enable from their by putting 1 instead of 0 , after that i got the dashboard access, now do i have to install modules and also enable modules ?
guide me please , thanks
i have few question
what is Cf_manager
what is the purpose of Demo
what is Exim_tool and how to use
what is Nsbanner and how to use
what is cms for ?
please let me know
now do i have to install modules and also enable modules ? ==> this module is already integrated into your project so you don't need to install it again .
Cf_manager ==> this module is used to manage custom fieldsDemo ==> this is not important for customers , it is used only on our demo version to restrict some perimission
Exim_tool ==> export data tool
Nsbanner ==> manage banners in the app
cms ==> manage app pages
Best Regards DT team.
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