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  Public Ticket #2830402
Not able to install. Getting DB error.


  • Divyanshu Shekhar started the conversation


    I tried installing this project but getting below error. Please help in resolving and setting up this project.

    When tried login using credentials, it is showing "This module "cms" is required to be enabled"

    Installation error:

    Something went wrong during install (Code: 0BI), please check your Logs ([SERVER PATH]/application/logs), See logs file here

    Error Number: 1146

    Table 'offera_test.booking' doesn't exist

    SHOW COLUMNS FROM `booking`

    Filename: modules/booking_payment/models/Booking_payment_model.php

    Line Number: 130

  • IDauletyarov replied

    You must add the Booking table to the database yourself

  • Divyanshu Shekhar replied


    I have created the booking table by following the reply sent to this ticket https://droidevtech.ticksy.com/ticket/2818702/.

    But still I am getting "This module "cms" is required to be enabled".

    I tried enabling it by updating modules table by changing cms enabled from 0 to 1, but can only see application folder.

    See screenshot.

    Do I need to manually update each rows in modules column and make changes in enabled column from 0 to 1?


  • Divyanshu Shekhar replied

    Hi please reply.

    Also, please let us know when can we have your stable version as in Payment setting page i am getting some error.

    You demo is also not working.

  •  146
    Elyas replied

    Could you please tell which problem you are facing right now please

    Best Regards DT team.

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