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  Public Ticket #2832903
Google Maps is "White/Blank" inside app


  •  1
    jeremy6412 started the conversation

    Google Maps can't show on my application.

    I'm sure I put the Maps api key and places api key on my Android Studio.

    and enable All api about Google maps(or Try to build a Android certificate).

    but it still can't work.

    By the way, It can work on PHP website.


    2021-07-24 18:03:46.948 6149-6555/com.SUGOI.apps.sugoi E/Google Maps Android API: In the Google Developer Console (https://console.developers.google.com)
        Ensure that the "Google Maps Android API v2" is enabled.
        Ensure that the following Android Key exists:


  •  142
    Elyas replied

    this issue is related to the google maps sir, something is not configured correctly or the key is not formated correctly

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  •  1
    jeremy6412 replied

    Thanks, the problem is solved.

    Maps api key must be the same as places api key.

  •  142
    Elyas replied

    Perfect, thanks for your update .

    Maps api key must be the same as places api key. ==> not necessary , just make sure you put the correct key in the app config file

    Best Regards DT team.

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