Our team intervenes within 48 hours, we recommend you submit a public ticket so that other developers can help to fix the issue as soon as possible.

If you purchased the item 6 months ago, please read the Item Support Policy carefully before submitting a ticket.

Note: don’t share item or server credentials on public, use the private option.

  Public Ticket #2875517


  •  1
    aoguzie started the conversation

    When I test the app on mobile (debug), it doesn't display admob ads. I have configured all the parameters for admob. 

    Is there something I'm not doing right? 

  •  142
    Elyas replied

    Make sure all these fields  are set to true

    <string name="SHOW_ADS">true</string>
    <string name="SHOW_ADS_IN_HOME">true</string>
    <string name="SHOW_INTERSTITIAL_ADS_IN_STARTUP">true</string>
    <string name="SHOW_ADS_IN_COMPANY">true</string>
    <string name="SHOW_ADS_IN_ARTICLE">true</string>
    <string name="SHOW_ADS_IN_JOB">true</string>

    Best Regards DT team.

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  •  142
    Elyas replied

    We recommand testing on release versin insted

    Best Regards DT team.

    NearbyStores iOS => Buy now from envato

    NearbyStores Android => Buy now from envato

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