Our team intervenes within 48 hours, we recommend you submit a public ticket so that other developers can help to fix the issue as soon as possible.

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  Public Ticket #2949904
BuildSDKtool upgrade


  • WebDeveloperIM started the conversation


    Your Android Studio project uses BuildSDKtool 28 but the Play store needs a minimum version 31.0.0 to publish.

    Also, there are many outdated libraries in your package, I'm using the 2.7 version of nearby.

    Please upgrade these or help me to upgrade.


  •  146
    Elyas replied

    we upgraded almost all the apis , please  don't update gradle api from android studio

    Best Regards DT team.

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  • WebDeveloperIM replied

    But the Play store needs a minimum of 31. Anyway, I fixed that.

  •  146
    Elyas replied

    No sir , we just updated our app on play store with the version 30 

    Best Regards DT team.

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