Our team intervenes within 48 hours, we recommend you submit a public ticket so that other developers can help to fix the issue as soon as possible.

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  Public Ticket #3339150
Build Android Error - Window handle drag has no registered input channel


  • Maycon started the conversation

    Eu não posso compilar o projeto no Android Studio, eu recebo o erro "Window handle Window{b92d102 u0 Application Error: com.conecte.apps.plus} não tem canal de entrada registrado" na compilação e o aplicativo fecha no emulador

  • Maycon replied

    I can't compile the project in Android Studio, I got the error "Window handle Window{b92d102 u0 Application Error: com.conecte.apps.plus} has no input channel registered" in the compilation and the app data in the emulator
  •  219
    Amine replied

    Hello, could we know your android version?

    Best Regards DT team.

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