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If you purchased the item 6 months ago, please read the Item Support Policy carefully before submitting a ticket.

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  Article Categories

2 Articles NearbyStores Web version

Where i can get the last version(update) of Nearbystores app

How to change http to https

2 Articles Dealfly - Android

Hide or remove some features on the app

Google Maps is not installed or disabled

13 Articles NearbyStores Android Application


How to resolve the problem "Error! Network is not available" in android 9 and higher

How to resolve error "failed to resolve play-services-auth" and "failed to resolve play-services-ads

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7 Articles NearbyStores iOS Application

How i can get my purchase ID

Where i can get the last version(update) of Nearbystores app

I GET THE ERROR MESSAGE : cannot access class com.sun.tools.javac.tree.TreeScanner (in module jdk.compiler) because module jdk.compiler does not export com.sun.tools.javac.tree to unnamed module @0x71f0e87f

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