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Public Tickets

waleed All users get Blocked/signed outClosed   NearbyStores Android Application   Updated November 10, 2018 at 10:10pm   4 Most recent comment from Elyas M.:Hi Waleed ,  The field you edit accepts only the username. , if you want to make a phonenumber as a primary input for registration or login you sould add new field in your mobile app and make some ... montor Failed to resolve: play-services-authClosed   NearbyStores Android Application   Updated November 7, 2018 at 8:34am   4 Most recent comment from Elyas M.:Okey , perfect . samquu Offers doesn't hidden automaticalyClosed   NearbyStores Android Application   Updated October 27, 2018 at 11:08am   2 Most recent comment from Elyas M.:This option is integrated only on the event section not for offers the only way to hide offers is by doing it manually from the backend web , howerver it can be integrated as an improvement in the n ... Fabiana how do I make the image of the offer open as soon as the user touches itClosed   NearbyStores Android Application   Updated October 10, 2018 at 8:32pm   2 Most recent comment from Elyas M.:Sorry this option is not available in this current version , if it's important for your business we can integrate it in your app as  a custom work .Thank you Kleber011 I need help I registered 3 stores but they are not showing upClosed   NearbyStores Android Application   Updated October 3, 2018 at 10:08am   2 Most recent comment from Amine M.:Hello,if you have a VPS you should set php 'php' instead "/usr/bin/php", this command is provided from CPANEL not in server self configured (VPS).We checked your dashboard link is not working correct ... Kleber011 No application is not appearing as imageClosed   NearbyStores Android Application   Updated October 2, 2018 at 11:03pm   2 Most recent comment from Elyas M.:We cannot know the reason behind this problem , please provide us your dashboard url , login and password to check this problem Kleber011 the chat is not workingClosed   NearbyStores Android Application   Updated October 2, 2018 at 10:57pm   2 Most recent comment from Elyas M.:There's no problem with the chat sir , just make sure that the chat is enabled in the dashboard config and the firebase api is installed on your android app . Kleber011 Nearby Store AndroidClosed   NearbyStores Android Application   Updated October 1, 2018 at 5:13pm   2 Most recent comment from Amine M.:Hello, the problem is " Warning: fopen(/var/www/html/meuslugares/install/../config/config.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/html/meuslugares/install/app/helpers/common.help ... khan856 How to edit download link from the front page of the websiteClosed   NearbyStores Android Application   Updated September 26, 2018 at 7:54pm   4 Most recent comment from Amine M.:Great,For more improvement and development, Please don't forget to rate and review on our item on envato market => https://codecanyon.net/item/nearbystores-ios-offers-events-chat-realtime-firebase-14 ... waleed Email validationClosed   NearbyStores Android Application   Updated September 26, 2018 at 10:10am   2 Most recent comment from Amine M.:Hello,You should have knowledge on PHP programming to this operation and few things in android to. thebest28 Use of ssl certificateClosed   NearbyStores Android Application   Updated September 25, 2018 at 4:16pm   13 Most recent comment from khan856:Yes it did worked like a charm!  fruch17 Fix small bug about a debugger option enableClosed   NearbyStores Android Application   Updated September 23, 2018 at 11:56am   2 Most recent comment from Amine M.:Hello,You can disable it from java folder -> appconfig -> AppConfig -> at line 17 set false instead true; wdcpublicidade Ad description in htmlClosed   NearbyStores Android Application   Updated September 21, 2018 at 8:16pm   2 Most recent comment from Elyas M.:The store description does not support icons, otherwise we can integrate these new fields under the description Fabiana translation problemClosed   NearbyStores Android Application   Updated September 6, 2018 at 4:01pm   2 Most recent comment from Elyas M.:Hello,You will find it in res -> strings -> string_v1_2.xml, you can copy it inside your default strings language or keep it as default if you have single languageGood luck